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Understanding Your Energy Blocks and the Transformative Path to Emotional Freedom

Do you ever feel like you have chains that are binding and restricting your emotions? Do you ever feel stuck in a negative emotional space and feel like you can’t break free? If so, let this blog serve as a map guiding you through the profound landscapes of your emotional well-being. Our destination? Emotional freedom and empowerment—a place where emotional balance, health and happiness intertwine so you can be free from these energy blocks and you can soar to new heights of emotional fulfillment and self-discovery. 

colorful blocks that a small child is playing with

Before we dive into the transformative realm of energy blocks, let's demystify the concept of "energy" itself. There’s no need for crystal balls or mystic chants; we're bringing it down to earth, making it as practical and essential as your morning coffee (or whatever you like to drink to start your day).

What is a Personal Growth Journey?

Embarking on a personal growth and energy healing journey is a profound commitment to self-discovery, resilience and holistic well-being. It's a transformative expedition where individuals intentionally explore and shift their thoughts, emotions, words and actions, seeking a harmonious balance in mind, body, spirit, and soul. 

This journey calls to those who deeply desire change, strength and transformation. Because of their deep desire to overcome something, they pursue increased self-awareness, emotional liberation and the empowerment to rise above life's challenges instead of constantly feeling stuck and beaten down by them. 

Ultimately, the goal of a personal growth journey is to foster a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. If you're on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth and soul healing, you're in the right place. My commitment is to be your guide, offering tips, resources and services that serve as a wellspring of encouragement and support. Together, we're building a community of resilient women, men, children and families who are determined to rise like phoenixes from life's challenges—stronger and better than ever!

What is Energy in Our Daily Lives?

First of all, before we dive into the transformative realm of energy blocks, let's unravel the fundamental concept of energy and its tangible presence in our daily lives. Often, the term "energy" can seem like an abstract, mystical and “woo-woo” term, but when we break it down, it becomes a very practical, approachable and essential aspect of our existence. 

Energy is the underlying force that impacts our existence and it manifests in various forms. Anywhere you are, there will be energy because you are energy. The most common forms of energy I work with are our thoughts, words, emotions, feelings and actions. These every day energies are crucial to recognize as distinct expressions of ourselves that can be changed and transformed.

Practical Components of Energetic Forces

Thoughts: Energy In Motion

Your thoughts are not mere fleeting notions—they are energy in motion. The patterns and quality of your thoughts influence your perception, reactions and ultimately shape the energy you emit into the world. Because of the mind-body connection, your thoughts can impact your body, but your body can also impact your thoughts. Understanding this two-way communication is vital to breaking negative habits of thought.

Words: Impactful Energy

Consider your words as vibrational energy. They carry resonance and impact not only those who hear them but also reverberate within your own being. The language you use shapes the energetic atmosphere around you. It helps to imagine dropping a pebble in water and watching the ripples transport that energy throughout the rest of the body of water. The energy of your words carries a ripple effect through your body and mind as well as the bodies and minds of those around you.

It helps to imagine dropping a pebble in water and watching the ripples transport that energy throughout the rest of the body of water. The energy of your words carries a ripple effect through your body and mind as well as the bodies and minds of those around you. - Christy Edwards

Emotions and Feelings: Your Radiating Energy

Emotions are dynamic energy in action. Whether it's joy, sadness or excitement, each emotion produces a distinct energetic frequency. Similarly, the feelings accompanying these emotions contribute to the overall energy you radiate. A great way to think about this is to think of someone who you don’t enjoy being around and then think of someone you really love to be around. How different do you feel with each person? It’s probably a radically different feeling. That’s because it’s a radically different energy and you are experiencing the energy of those connections and emotions they create within you.

Actions: The External Expression of Energy

Your actions are the external manifestation of internal energy. They carry the imprint of your thoughts, words and emotions, creating a continuous feedback loop between your inner world and the energy you display outwardly. Have you ever tried to have happy actions when you have an energy of anger or sadness? It is very challenging. This is why our actions can be a strong indicator of the culmination of our thoughts, emotions and feelings.

How Energy Blocks Disrupt Your Flow

Now, as we embark on our exploration of energy blocks, remember this interconnected web of energy in your daily life. Energy blocks are disruptions in this flow, creating negative patterns that influence your thoughts, words, emotions, feelings and actions. It would be like if you were driving down the road and an enormous block appeared in the road that was made out of all sorts of small rocks, pebbles, mud and sticks and they all formed into one giant obstacle preventing the flow of traffic. 

Embrace the Power of Awareness

By understanding that every facet of your existence is an expression of energy, you gain the power to consciously shape and direct this energy. It's through this awareness that we begin the journey of releasing energy blocks and fostering emotional well-being.

As we move forward, let this understanding serve as a compass, guiding you through the intricate landscape of your energetic self.

What Are "Energy Blocks?"

Energy blocks are like subtle dams within our energetic system, impeding the flow of life force. They manifest as emotional patterns, physical discomfort or persistent challenges. These patterns can be made of limiting beliefs, fears, self-sabotage habits, subconscious vow, trapped emotions and inherited emotional patterns that were passed down to you through your DNA. Recognizing and understanding these blocks marks the first step toward liberating our well-being.

How Do Energy Blocks Impact Our Emotions?

Emotion is energy in motion. Being trapped in a negative emotional pattern or energy block can influence our thoughts, words, reactions and responses, fostering cycles of stress, anxiety or frustration. This energy in motion not only impacts us, but also those around us. Acknowledging, honoring and addressing these blocks allows for emotional release, deeper self-love and the creation of new, positive patterns that can help create better outcomes and results in the future.

Tools for Liberation

I have a few “go to” tools that I use in my personal growth journey that have been revolutionary in my own transformation. Consider exploring the Emotion Code, a powerful alternative energy balancing modality to identify and gently release subconscious energy blocks. To take it a step further, you can combine the Emotion Code with EFT tapping to process your emotions and reframe your mindset. This dynamic duo forms a potent approach to self-healing, but adding the final touch of developing emotional intelligence is what really puts it over top. 

Having personally experienced the transformative power and effectiveness of this combination for myself and others, I've integrated it into some of my services. However, to fully maximize your personal growth journey, developing a lifestyle that promotes growth, restoration and emotional balance in between sessions helps you to fully unleash your progress and potential. This only reveals the true power that you hold to make positive changes in your own life and the life of your family giving you the ability re-define your legacy and release generational trauma that may have been passed down for decades.

This only reveals the true power that you hold to make positive changes in your own life and the life of your family giving you the ability re-define your legacy and release generational trauma that may have been passed down for decades. - Christy Edwards

Cultivating Lasting Peace and Balance

Transform your life by embracing a self-healing lifestyle. Instead of avoiding, numbing and ignoring emotions or “sweeping them under the rug,” opt for the inclusion of daily practices, such as 15 minutes of meditation, breathwork, journaling or visualization, that can promote energy flow and emotional well-being. These practices create space for inner peace and balance. In order to create a lifestyle of growth and inner soul healing, the helpful practices must be able to be practically applied throughout the day to create a habit and flow. Try these ideas and see what works for you and what type of emotionally healthy routine you can create for yourself:

A Daily Recipe for Emotional Wellness

Creating a self-healing lifestyle doesn't have to be time-consuming. By seamlessly integrating mindfulness practices into your daily routine, you can foster emotional well-being without adding extra stress. Here's a practical recipe to infuse your day with moments of peace and balance:

1. Morning Mindfulness with Your Morning Brew 

Start your day by savoring your morning beverage mindfully. Whether it's coffee, tea or a nutritious smoothie, take a few moments to appreciate the aroma, taste and temperature. Use as many of the five senses as you can. Set positive intentions for the day ahead.

2. Mindful Commute

If you commute, use this time to practice deep breathing or listen to a guided meditation. Transform your commute into a peaceful journey allowing yourself to arrive at your destination with a calm mind. Just remember to keep your eyes open for safety. 

3. Work Reset with Breathwork

Incorporate short, focused breathwork sessions during work hours. Take a few minutes to inhale deeply, hold for a moment and exhale slowly. This simple practice can be done discreetly and can promote mental clarity and focus. 

4. Mindful Meal Breaks

Turn your meal breaks into moments of mindfulness. Instead of rushing through lunch, savor each bite. Pay attention to the flavors, scents, textures and nourishment your food provides. Use this time to reset and recharge. When weather allows, my favorite practice is to have mindful meals outside in nature for an added bonus. Meals become very peaceful and healing for the soul!

5. Elevate Daily Chores

Infuse mindfulness into daily chores. Whether you're washing dishes, folding laundry or tidying up, do it with intention. Focus on the sensory experience, the rhythm of the task and the speed of your breath, which can turn mundane activities into opportunities for grounding and peace. You can also use these chores as moments to practice self-awareness and infuse positive affirmations into your mindset.

6. Mindful Connection: Digital Detox

Power down your devices and engage in mindful activities—read a book, take a nature walk or simply enjoy quiet time. Disconnecting from screens fosters connection with yourself and the present moment. This is something you can do daily (like stopping all social media two hours before bed), but you can also take a week or two to take a total break from digital activities to give your mind a break. When you do this, take the time to notice the difference in how you feel. You might be surprised at what you discover.

7. Nightly Reflection

Before bedtime, engage in a brief reflection. Acknowledge the positive moments of the day, express gratitude and release any lingering tension through practices that bring you ease.I personally enjoy ending my day with an Emotion Code Session, an EFT tapping session and 15 minutes of meditation. This habit sets the stage for me to get deep and restful sleep.

Remember, these practices are flexible and can be adapted to suit your schedule, needs and preferences. Feel free to mix and match, finding what resonates best with you. In order for it to work, it has to feel good to you or you won’t make it a habit. As you weave these moments of mindfulness into your day, you'll discover a powerful recipe for emotional healing that seamlessly integrates with your busy life.

Phoenix Rising: Ready to Break Free?

If you're ready to embark on a journey of personal growth and emotional healing, now is the time to get started. Whether through a 15-minute consultation, a full energy balancing session, the downloadable resources in my Etsy shop or my coaching program, I'm here to help you navigate your energy blocks so you can be empowered to reignite your sparkle, love yourself and love your life.


Christy Edwards is a dedicated Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Intuitive Life Coach with a passion for unlocking the transformative power of emotional intelligence. With a focus on inspiring others, Christy empowers individuals to courageously confront their mindset, overcome self-sabotage and navigate inner obstacles in order to create more balance, peace and harmony in their lives in mind, body, spirit and soul.


Get the Resources You Need for Your Journey in my Etsy Shop!


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