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How You Can Create a Satisfying Life

How often do you take action in your life based on your unique design, passions, values and priorities? Are you in the habit of just doing what you think needs to be done based on how someone else does it?

So often, we don't even get to know ourselves well enough to know what we truly value so we end up prioritizing other people’s plans, agendas and activities over what we truly prioritize in our hearts.

No wonder we can really feel wonky, unfulfilled, out of balance, and dissatisfied in our lives.

This is where we begin to develop physical aches, pains and tension in our muscles and it is often where we experience tension in our relationships as well (not to mention other areas of our lives). Much of this can be alleviated by releasing trapped emotions with a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, but you will only continue to trap more negative emotions if the behavior itself isn’t also corrected. It takes the two working in tandem to get maximum, long-lasting benefits.

You are the Key To Your Own Happiness

You truly are the key to your own happiness. For this reason, it may be time to ask yourself a few important questions:

  1. How do you make decisions about your life?

  2. Do you decide based on other people's agendas for you most of the time?

  3. Do you fully know, love, accept and understand what makes you tick, what lights you up and what is most important to you (and then make decisions based on that)?

Alignment makes it easy to gauge what to say "yes" to and what to say "no" to because you know who you are and what activities fit well with your values, priorities, goals and the life you're choosing to design.

When you can authentically create your life based on your unique design, that is where purpose and passion can come together to create great fulfillment and satisfaction. Isn’t that what we would all love to have - a life of fulfillment and satisfaction?

Alignment in Creation

Knowing just a few things about yourself can open up a positive flow of energy that establishes more ease in the process of creating what you have in your heart to create whether that means finally writing that book that is inside of you, starting that business or non-profit that you’ve always wanted to start, or creating that healthy, peaceful, loving and healing atmosphere in your home that you’ve always wanted to provide for your family.

Having a desire to “create” something is not just for artists. We are all creators and we all have something we are meant to create in this life. Our creative power manifests differently and has different results than anyone else on the planet which is what creates the beauty and diversity of humanity.

Your uniqueness has been given to you as a gift in order to support what you were designed to create in your lifetime. Each and every day is full of opportunities for you to create something.

  • You can create love and happiness or you can create stress and drama.

  • You can create supportive closer bonds or you can create distance and disconnection.

  • You can create powerful tools that help others grow, heal and improve or you can create tools of division, pain and suffering.

  • You can create peace or you can create chaos.

Humans are powerful creators, but are we consciously aligned creators? Are we creating with a purity of aligned thought, feeling and intention? Or are we just seeing where the wind blows us each day?

Making Alignment Personal

Let’s take it down a level and stop this whole “we” business. Let’s have some real talk.

  • How and what are you creating each day?

  • Are you creating with a purity of aligned thought, feeling and intention?

  • Are you just seeing where the wind blows you each day?

It gets personal real fast when you change that “we” to “you,” but that is what we must do with ourselves in order to challenge our current thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors because they all flow together to create the actions that produce our results.

That means that every bit of it is within our power to change. More personally, it is within your power to change.

So What Is Involved?

Alignment involves doing the inner work to decode our values, priorities, beliefs, goals, dreams, passions, purpose, energy and emotional patterns. Once you gain a bit of awareness about your awesomeness and about what makes you tick, you can more easily get into alignment with who you are, who you are becoming and what you are meant to do and create in this life.

One of the most vital benefits to this type of inner journey is gaining the ability to eliminate the old beliefs, patterns, misalignments and self-sabotage habits that have held you back. I’ll be honest. This is the part where a life coach and certified Emotion Code Practitioner (ahem, like me, LOL) can come in handy because they are an unbiased party who is trained to help you in this area that can be so challenging for people to navigate alone. This work requires insight, compassion, commitment and strategic navigation.

If you are already brutally honest with yourself, abundantly self-aware, deeply insightful and you practice self-love, self-compassion and self-validation on a regular basis already, then you can already do much of this work on your own. If that is the case, kudos! You’re already half-way there! However, if you feel the previous few sentences don’t describe you yet, then you would definitely benefit from a loving support system on this journey.

Connection to Source Energy

Once you have done the inner foundational work to decode your unique creative abilities, the cherry on top is when you connect it all to the Source energy that always has your back. When you deeply connect with your source of spiritual abilities, guidance and support, this is like adding rocket fuel that enables you to enter into an authentic flow state like no other where:

  • Clarity comes with more ease.

  • Wisdom on which direction to go comes with ease.

  • Empowerment to step out of your comfort zone comes with more ease.

  • Courage to squash self-sabotaging habits comes with more ease.

Alignment creates ease.

This is why living an aligned life is a gift that we give ourselves. We align with ourselves and we align with our Spiritual Support Team. That’s when life gets magical because you get to watch how the Divine has been uniquely encoded into the very fabric of your existence and you understand in which beautiful ways you get to display the Divine in your life. When you put all of these pieces together, this is what I like to call your “sparkle.”

In and Out of Alignment

Have you experienced alignment like this? If so, have you also noticed the lessening of fear and resistance and the increase in signs and synchronicities that you can experience when you are living in alignment: body, mind, spirit, and soul?

If you have experienced this, then you may have experienced how all of this slows down and the resistance returns as you slip out of alignment. When we step out of alignment and peace we step into agitation, stress, intense emotions, and fear.

  • We lose focus.

  • We lose clarity.

  • We lose creativity.

  • We lose hope.

Getting in alignment is important, but it is also important to gain a deeper awareness of the things that knock you out of alignment. Trust me, it happens to all of us. Alignment is not a set-it-and-forget-it type of situation. It requires self-awareness, knowledge and insight into your triggers, a plan of action for overcoming obstacles as well an intentional maintenance plan.

That may sound like a lot of work, but every bit of it is worth it because with the awareness that alignment brings, you know when your body, mind, spirit or soul needs something (like rest, nourishment, love or validation).

And. You. Actually. Do it.

“Are you saying yes to events and requests from people even though you are exhausted and depleted from the day? Or are you able to say ‘No, I can't do that right now. I need some time to rest and recover from the day.’” - Christy Edwards

There is such an empowerment that comes with getting clear on who you are, what you need, how to overcome, how to heal your energy, and what you are here on this planet to do. It makes it much easier to say no when you know you need to rest and recover so you can get back to the activities that are actually in alignment with your purpose, values and priorities.

Is Alignment a Magic Pill?

I’ll be the first to admit that getting into alignment is not a magic pill. It doesn’t mean you will never face struggle, trials, or obstacles ever again. It doesn’t mean that you will happily skip through the rest of your life whistling a happy tune and singing in the rain (although I won’t deny the possibility that those things might happen as well, LOL).

The best part, though, is that you don't have to do it alone. The harder the situation and the more it hurts, the more we need to lean on our Spiritual Support Team (as well as our human support team) for the love, light and guidance required to move through our difficult circumstances with ease.

The spiritual aspect of the self is often the most underdeveloped aspect of personal growth plans for many people, but it is imperative if you consider yourself to be a lightworker or someone who feels drawn to bringing light, hope and encouragement to the beautiful souls in your life. In my experience, I’ve learned that we must connect to the Source of our light when our light is beginning to dim due to the stress, confusion, pain and discomfort of our challenging situations.

It is in those moments where we can be easily knocked out of alignment and think, speak and act accordingly (spoiler alert: this is what we want to avoid).

It is vital that lightworkers (and we are all lightworkers, in my opinion) take the time to ground, shield, connect to our spiritual support team and higher self and protect our energy from outside influence so we can:

  1. Get back into alignment

  2. Receive the support and guidance necessary

  3. Get back to our goal of making a positive difference in this world...starting with us.

Alignment During Challenges

While facing challenges is never fun or easy, it is possible to face them authentically with peace, grace and trust (instead of completely losing yourself in the chaos). Have you ever felt like you lost yourself or you no longer know who you truly are? It is a terrible, lonely and lost feeling that I don’t wish on anyone.

I experienced this myself years ago when I was in a deep state of burnout, but still being forced to keep going and producing at an unhealthily rapid pace at the job where I was working at the time. There was no stopping, resting or recovering. There was only non-stop creating, producing, performing, and reviewing over and over under a boss who added more and more activities to my abundantly overflowing plate until I mentally and emotionally broke down.

Then I was patronized at work speaking up for myself and needing help. I was a deeply broken soul and it took a toll on my marriage, my family, my concept of myself, my connection to Source and ultimately our finances (as I finally had enough and decided to quit that job).

Everything broke down.

It took me years to fully process and heal all that happened. I had some deep, inner work to do to repair the damage that had been caused and I had to get down to the root of the problem: the thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, lack of awareness and misalignments that got me in that position in the first place.

I learned how to fight for myself.

That created the beautiful opportunity for me to learn how to heal, rekindle my sparkle, and fully love and care for myself and others. It birthed in me a passion for helping others do the same because I had discovered something incredibly empowering during this process. I discovered my unique blueprint and how that blueprint helped me to discover my deepest passions and my purpose in this life. I found ME. For the first time in my life, I could look at myself in the mirror and be able to smile and feel a deep sense of pride. I was no longer a victim. I became an overcomer.

When we are in alignment with our true selves, we know how to handle situations as the best version of ourselves. This can only happen once we fully know, love and accept ourselves. Then we can live authentically and create our own unique "toolbox" full of aligned tools that we know how to use at the drop of a hat in order to get back into or stay in alignment when things get a little crazy.

That's when you can really tell that you've been doing the work - when the chaos begins and you stay true to yourself, quickly get back on track and handle it like the incredible person that you are. That's when you know you have truly empowered yourself. That's when you know you are your own superhero.

Next Steps

If you are curious about working with me as your Emotion Code Practitioner and Intuitive Life Coach on your journey to alignment, contact me with your questions. We’ll have a discussion and see if I’m a good fit for you. Either way, I’m cheering you on in your journey because, as always, you’re worth it!


Christy Edwards is an Intuitive Life Coach and a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. She is a wife, mom and snuggle buddy to her goofy pup, Royal. As a self-proclaimed "Sparkle Specialist," she loves inspiring other women to bravely tackle their mindset, self-sabotage and inner obstacles so they can unleash their sparkle and magic into this world that desperately needs it.


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