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Design a Manifestation Plan that Works for You

Have you ever tried to manifest something? How’d it go? Were you successful or did it just end up feeling pointless? Think back to your previous attempts at manifestation. How much did you focus on your thoughts? Did you just find a manifestation exercise online to try and end up frustrated wondering what you were doing wrong?

Maybe you weren’t doing anything "wrong." You may have just been missing a piece (or two) of the puzzle. I have some tips for you to consider that may make your next attempt at manifestation a total game-changer.

Consider Your Thoughts

Stop right now and take a deep breath. What are your thoughts doing at the moment? Are they all over the place about work stress or relationship issues? Are they moving so quickly in the background so that it is hard for you to focus? Are they slow and not really engaged in the present? How do they usually behave? Most people just think without paying attention to how they are thinking.

I know this may feel weird at first, but having an awareness of our thought life can sometimes give us insight into what might be holding us back (or propelling us forward). When you begin to gain this awareness, you might see that your thoughts have been pretty emotional in the background. They may even be angry or apathetic. Or you might find that your thoughts are pretty upbeat and encouraging.

"Having an awareness of our thought life can sometimes give us insight into what might be holding us back or propelling us forward."

You may realize that your thoughts have been shaped by limiting beliefs or trapped emotions that have become an obstacle for you. These limiting beliefs and trapped emotions are sometimes not even your own, but they were something you adopted from someone else’s belief system or life experience for one reason or another. Other beliefs and emotions can be from your own life experiences or even passed down to you at the time of conception. It can be helpful to do some energy healing work around these energies with The Emotion Code to clear any subconscious blocks that you may not realize are affecting you.

When you can get real about your thoughts, you can get real about your manifestations. When you can assess what your thoughts are and what is causing them to behave the way they currently do, you can make the positive shifts required to really get your manifestation motor running.

Consider Your Words

Now that you’ve considered your thoughts, the next thing to consider is your words. Do your words reflect your thought life? Many times, they do. If your thoughts are angry, your words will be angry, aggressive, accusatory, steeped with jaded sarcasm, or they’ll be passive-aggressive. These are just a few examples of what might be happening, but there are many ways our emotions are expressed through our words.

Thoughts and words are energy. Emotions are energy. While energy can not be destroyed, it can change forms. If you have trapped emotional energy that is low-vibration in nature, these energies can be released through The Emotion Code and consciously processed through journaling, mediation and other self-healing activities and rituals. Once these low-vibrational energies are released, you can replace them with high vibration emotional energies and affirmations that you choose.

Shifting your thought energy begins to shift your words and even the energy and tone of your speech. When this shift occurs, you are automatically operating at a different energetic level, especially if your new thoughts and words are fueled by your belief in positive possibilities.

It can be difficult to maintain this new level on your own, especially when you have had more life experience with your old low-vibe thoughts and words. Even if you are an experienced lightworker, we all have days where we are not high-vibe. Life gets real sometimes and it’s easy to slip into a low-vibe energy. Finding support by surrounding yourself with high-vibe thinkers and speakers will be a great benefit to you.

You can accomplish this by joining local meetups, events, or networking events (if you are in business) or by following these types of people on all of your social media channels. Watch their videos online, engage with their posts on Facebook and Instagram, and join and engage in their free Facebook groups. I know a great IG page you can follow right now! LOL Maybe I am a little biased, but I’d love to have you in my IG community. (wink, wink) 😄

Consider Your Actions

Now that we have covered your thoughts and words, let’s move on to your actions. This is where your thoughts and words are on display physically. I know, I know…ouch!

This is where the rubber meets the road because so many people are of the “wait and see” mindset. They attempt to manifest something just by thinking about it or visualizing it, but they take no steps to prepare for it’s arrival.

Add meaning to your daily mundane activities.

For instance, if you are wanting to attract the love of your life, you could make your bed every morning with the intention of attracting the person that will be the perfect mate for your best and highest good (that's important) so that you can share that bed together. Then, of course, continue with your visualizations, gratitude and whatever you are doing to meet, engage with and get to know new people.

Sometimes it can be an easy process of taking your normal routine that is already in place and attaching your manifestation exercises to those routines. This will not only ensure that your manifestation exercises get done regularly, but it will make your mundane activities more fun. Activities like brushing your teeth, making your bed, or refilling your coffee mug or water bottle become exciting as you use them to manifest your heart's desires. How can you weave faith in your manifestations into your daily routine so that manifestation just becomes the energy in which you operate on a regular basis instead of it being something extra you have to try to squeeze into your already full to-do list?

Consider Your Connection to Your Spiritual Support Team

The fourth and final thing to consider in the creation of your personal plan of manifestation, is your connection to your spiritual support team through what I like to call “Regular Team Meetings.” Seeking guidance on your thoughts, words, actions, emotions, values, beliefs and next steps will be the next-level cherry on top for your manifestation goals.

This will look different for everyone and that is ok. The point is for you to connect your heart, mind and soul to whatever you call your source of strength and wisdom. It may be God, your higher self, the universe, Source, Divine Spirit, angels, ancestors or any other name of your choosing. What you call it is not the important part. The important part is that you connect regularly for guidance and support.

Many people talk about how you can manifest what you want and they offer wonderful advice on different exercises and rituals you can try, but you don’t hear as much about the process of personal transformation that can occur through a deep practice of manifestation by taking your thoughts, words, actions, and spiritual connection into consideration as mentioned here.

It is wonderful to be able to manifest what you desire, but to allow it serve a greater purpose of healing and growing your own soul is how we get way more than we ask for in life (in a good way). You might just be amazed at the manifestations that unfold before your very eyes.

Putting it All Together

Once you’ve gained a deeper awareness and optimized your thoughts, words, actions and your connection to your SST, you will have naturally removed several blocks that were hindering your manifesting skills and you will have raised your vibration. At that point, you can apply whatever manifestation exercises or rituals that you are drawn to in order to create your own unique Manifestation Plan based on your unique, high-vibe energy, values, interests and desires. With your vibration being higher, you will more easily attract that which is high-vibe.

The disconnect people often experience is when they themselves are operating at a lower vibration (especially in their thoughts), but they are trying to attract high-vibe manifestations (with their words or actions). That is not a recipe for success, but by doing the inner work to raise your own vibration (even when your circumstances haven’t changed yet), you will then be attracting good things from a better vibration that will be a much more sustainable method of manifesting your desires.

Are you willing to give it a try? I’d love to hear about it! Head on over to my Instagram page and share your experience so I can cheer you on. Instagram not your thing? You can also find me over on Facebook. Hope to see you there!

Quick Recap

  1. Assess your thoughts and address your limiting beliefs and trapped emotions.

  2. Choose new empowering thoughts that are in alignment with your belief system.

  3. Sync your words with your new empowering thoughts.

  4. Take action that is also in alignment with your new thoughts and word energy.

  5. Stay in close contact with your Spiritual Support team for guidance, wisdom and support.

  6. Choose manifestation exercises and rituals that are in fall in line with your unique, high-vibe energy, values, interests and desires and make them a part of your daily routines.

Ready to Release Your Trapped Emotions?


Christy Edwards is an Intuitive Life Coach and a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. She is a wife, mom and snuggle buddy to her goofy pup, Royal. As a self-proclaimed "Sparkle Specialist," she loves inspiring other women to bravely tackle their mindset, self-sabotage and inner obstacles so they can unleash their sparkle and magic into this world that desperately needs it.


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