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The Sabotage SWAP Coaching Program Energy balancing and coaching sessions 8 sessions Sparkle a Latte


The Sabotage

Your Key to Transformative Coaching for Vibrancy, Health, and Happiness so you can Sparkle with a Purpose!

This program is designed to empower you with proven tools and strategies to create emotional satisfaction, peace, and fulfillment. Break free from self-sabotage, unlock your true potential, and build the life you desire.

This program is Designed to help you...

Energize your life by identifying, restoring, and balancing your energy.

Explore your thoughts and habits to exchange negative, limiting patterns for empowering thoughts and habits.

Establish clarity by connecting with your authentic values, priorities and goals.

Engage new lifestyle habits that create balance, ease, and care for your body, mind, spirit and soul.

Elevate your relationships and create healthier, deeper connections by developing emotional intelligence skills.

who is this for?


Those who are seeking emotional well-being and healthier habits


Those who want to conquer self-sabotage and reach their goals


Those who want to holistically enhance their overall health


Those who are looking for a step-by-step approach & personalized guidance

Image by Annie Spratt
  • feel more peace and happiness

  • stop sabotaging your goals and desires

  • gain clarity and direction

  • feel more confident

  • handle challenges with resilience

  • build a better relationship with yourself and others

  • feel better & happier in mind, body, spirit and soul

If you wish you could...

You're in the right place!




The Sabotage

1) Past Exploration: Release old emotional baggage.

This coaching program involves finding and releasing old emotional baggage in the form of trapped emotional energy using the The Emotion Code.

2) Present Navigation: Discover tools for emotional self-care.

Discover the tools, modalities and exercises you can use to ensure emotional self-care and nervous system regulation for your unique needs so you can lower stress and improve the way you feel in mind, body, spirit and soul.

3) Future Creation: Set aligned goals for lasting happiness.

Develop Emotional Intelligence and apply my Aligned Goal Setting techniques to help you create the best possible future for yourself that is in alignment with your unique sparkle, goals, values and priorities so that you are in control of creating your own unique happiness your way.

The Sabotage Swap Coaching Program Process
Sparkle a Latte trauma release testimonial Emily

"Christy coached me through several different life seasons. She helped me delve into, address, and find healing from issues from my past and also provided invaluable coaching and action steps for moving toward future goals. Her kindness and compassion, paired with an unwavering commitment to help me face hard situations with truth and love, made her an invaluable mentor. She helped me grow in so many areas of my life and I can’t recommend her more highly as a Life Coach."        - Emily Brown

Image by lilartsy

If something in life has
dulled your sparkle...

Not to worry. I've been there, too! There is hope.

I've successfully overcome burnout, anxiety, depression, and more using The Sabotage S.W.A.P. method.


Using The Sabotage S.W.A.P. Method, I've transformed my life by discovering and shifting behaviors, releasing trapped emotions, reducing stress, replacing self-sabotage habits, pursuing aligned goals, embracing self-acceptance, and improving relationships.


Discover the profound benefits of The Sabotage S.W.A.P. – greater purpose, joy, improved health, and overall well-being. My goal is to help you reignite your sparkle and love your life!

This program is not for those who...

Are not committed to personal growth.

Are seeking a quick fix.

Are resistant to feedback.

Are unwilling to release what's not working.

Are dealing with severe mental health issues

requiring professional treatment.

"My time with her has truly changed my life in so many ways. I feel so strong as a person, stronger than ever. Christy is a patient, calm and deeply thoughtful person. I trusted her totally with myself in this process and I’m so glad I did. The world looks different to me now. I believe in myself and every day is full of possibility and hope. I encourage anyone that is tired of running into the same walls or issues in their life to work with Christy. She can help you look inside yourself and learn to listen to yourself each day. I feel more confident and aware of my abilities, passions and goals now more than ever before. I will always be grateful for the time Christy spent with me."                  - Marjie Remole

Sparkle a Latte Confidence testimonial Marjie
The Sabotage SWAP Coaching program to help women heal energy and emotions

In Your Program, you'll learn:

1. Foundation of Self:

  • The Self: Self-awareness, love, validation, care, compassion, forgiveness, grace

  • Matters of the Mind: Fixed vs Growth, Belief inventory, Alignment & Reframing

2. Emotional Intelligence Journey:

  • Deeper Listening: Ego vs Intuition - Connecting to Your Intuitive Guidance

  • Crash Course in Emotions: EQ Intro & Assessment & Understanding Emotions

  • Let's Get Specific: Developing Emotional Awareness

  • Emotional Alchemy: Managing Emotions - Creating positive shifts with ease

3. Empowering Thoughts and Beliefs:

  • Quantum Leaping: Empowering Your Thoughts & Beliefs

4. Body and Stress Management:

  • Body Talk: Reducing the Impact of Stress on the Body by Listening to the Body's Messages.

5. Building Empowering Relationships:

  • Empowering Relationships: Using Emotional Intelligence in Love, Work, and Family.

6. Overcoming Self-Sabotage:

  • The Sabotage S.W.A.P.: Digging Up the Roots of Self-Sabotage Habits.

7. Igniting Personal Power:

  • Ignite Your Sparkle & Developing Personal Power: Maintaining Nervous System Regulation.

8. Goal Setting and Alignment:

  • Check Your Gauges: The Aligned Goal Setting System

Are you ready to begin your inner transformation?

Book a Free 30 Minute Clarity Call to See if this Coaching Program is the Right Fit for You!  

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